Dry Cracked Floor
Table block cell element

Making e-commerce easy

Increasing sales

Supporting the next generation of hardware ​retailers in South Africa

Construction Workers Talking


The e-commerce market in South Africa is set to grow ​by 9.76% annually, reaching an impressive US$8.5 ​billion by 2024. This upward trend is expected to ​continue, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) ​of 8.22% from 2024 to 2028. In 2022, the sector ​experienced a remarkable 30% increase in online ​sales, significantly outpacing the overall retail growth ​of just 1.7%. Clearly, e-commerce is thriving in South ​Africa!

Our mission is to help you capitalize on this growth by ​setting up an intuitive and efficient e-Commerce ​website.

Setting up a webstore can be costly, time-consuming, ​and complex, often demanding technical expertise.

We provide you with a powerful tool to boost your ​sales and expand your reach effortlessly.


Start selling online

Crossed Hammer and Wrench Icon
Opened Box Icon
Earth Planet Icon
Grunge Distressed Texture Overlay

Effortless Setup

We make setting up your ​own personalized store a ​breeze, eliminating all the ​hard work.

Competitive Edge

Access to the extensive Matus ​catalogue helps you compete with ​larger retailers without having to ​keep the stock on hand.

Eco-friendly Reach

Expand your reach to more ​customers and reduce your ​carbon footprint with your own ​online store.

What we ​Offer

Quick setup with ​access to 5 ​different layouts.

Quick setup with ​access to 5 ​different layouts.

Anyone can edit the ​home page.

Anyone can edit the ​home page.

Male Builder with Power Tools in Hardware Store

Quick And Easy


Agree on products, ​pricing and ​quantities before ​order is finalised.

Agree on products, ​pricing and ​quantities before ​order is finalised.

Offer deals to ​frequent customers.

Offer deals to ​frequent customers.

People working at a hardware store


Choose products ​and images from a ​catalogue of

17 000 products

Choose products ​and images from a ​catalogue of

17 000 products

Or upload your own ​products.

Or upload your own ​products.

cheerful african hardware store worker

Extensive ​Catalogue

Join the ​eCommerce ​community

Join the ​eCommerce ​community

Sell to contractors ​with special pricing.

Sell to contractors ​with special pricing.

Staff working at a hardware store selling tools


Web Store

Abstract shapes


Square Grunge Icon

Bo​ok a Call

Hosting Fee


  • Access to full Matus ​catalogue
  • Choice of 5 different site ​skins
  • Admin access to change ​pricing or layout
  • Unlimited customer ​logins
  • 24 hour support

Bo​ok a Call

Setup Fee


  • Store setup
  • Consulting time for the ​initial setup
  • Including data management ​& price markup
  • Internal testing
  • Testing and training with ​customer

Breaking ground,

making sales

Infinity Office Park, Block C

2 Robin Close



Telephone icon

+27 11 493 9755